taking care of these mixers, cause they do all the work,
taking care of these mixers, this one's name is derk.
we keep them nice, we keep them clean, cause we love our machiiiiiiines
i made this tune in culinary class while wiping down the many stand mixers, singing this to them softly... g***y said it could win an oscar, but a****n said it needed some work ;{ this would also be great GS camp song!! not sure what you could translate mixers into though, unless it was during some sort of baking activity.
i cant stop accidentally having a mindest of "fixing problems" whenever people tell me about their problems. or just about themseleves sometimes. i fully understand other people are different from me but whenever people tell me about their problems i just automatically give them advice. and i even said PROBLEMS in that sentence!! i dont even know what i classify as a problem anymore. i wanna HELP people, like my friends family and s/o, but i want to do it in a way thats not like im trying to fix them... BUT thats what im used to doing, finding solutions. and it sometimes makes me mad on the inside when someone has a 'problem' that they can easily fix but dont want to. but thats just me SEEING it as a problem, maybe it isnt a 'problem' to them. how do i stay empathetic without trying to help if they are telling me they are distressed?!?!
this was a few nights ago but i thought it was pretty weird, so im gonna log it! so basically i was in this cave with a HUGE tunnel openeing at one end, and all of JROTC was there facing the tunnel in mass inspection formation. for some reason i was like the guide for alpha flight, but there werent any other guides for the other flights so i was like yayy im so special (because i was put there). and we were inspecting some huge monsters to come out and it was weird. and then the cave turned into a room and turned into a sort of set, like a stage set. then i was supposed to be dressed like a KNIGHT so i went into the costume area and tried to find knight pants, and i found cat pants and everyone laughed but then i found the knight pants. i went back and i had a partner who was wearing a helmet ( i didnt know him), pretty tall. and we were supposed to be marching together but i was putting my pants on and he started marching. and i was like dude wait, im still getting ready. and he IGNORED me and just kept marching until i caught up with him and i gave him the stank eye. then major was on a LEDGE and i jumped up there with him and he told me a story about a stonehenge structure in the middle of the ocean with a dead baby statue memorial and the baby's name was marnie. it was really weird. and then the big monsters peeked out of the tunnel and i was like no were not ready yet and they just politely went back in. and then i was looking for my marching partner, (this is where it gets weird), and he was in a different set/room. it was like a tool shop, and he had his helmet off (complete stranger face) and i was like dude we have to go back its almost time whats your problem, and then he tried to KICK ME!! so i threw scissors at him but they just went on the floor and then he got the scissors and starting stabbing my back over and over and it sucked. but nobody helped me at all which was pretty sad.
i was thinking about this a few weeks ago, so this entry isnt very current but whatever it was a really cool thought.