
welcome to my website (again)! better known as, planet ana! you can read the about, latest updates, and what to do below! this site is in M A J O R construction, so please diregard any malfunctions/links that lead to literally nowhere.

this site's theme is kind of like a warm cozy feel. well atleast i think it is, and i hope you do too! i know it looks undertale themed and it IS N O T !!!! undertale is my favorite videogame but, alas, it is not the theme of the site. anyways! there isnt one specific purpose of this site, though i definetly have pages in mind! i plan to create an all about me, gecko care, favorite songs, shrines, etc.

currently online:


╭┈◦•◦❥•◦latest update
  • - update 5 - MAJOR UPDATE!! - LOTS of updates in this log!!! added ENTIRE NEW PAGEEE..... HELL!!!! go to hell guys!! haha, really though, check it out. it is a bit spooky so be warned!!
  • - update 4 - the latest updates include - about me has been completely finished (for now..), go check it out and learn about me! more exciting news.. blog page is finished!! the first blog post is out, the VERY FIRST!!!!
  • - update 3 - the latest updates include - almost finished the about me page! check it out! added a 'how-im-feeling' thing on the side. im gonna add some polls and quizzes soon!
  • - update 2 - the latest updates include - changed site entry page, it looks pretty good! (i think) let me know what you think!
  • - update 1 - the latest updates include - added GifyPet! say hello to winston! added chat box, say hello and share your opinions on the site! of course, ill be doing SO many tweaks and fixes to the site, but that will just be too much to document. major updates and obvious-to-your-view updates will be listed here!
  • descriptiondescription

    ╭┈◦•◦❥•◦what to do!

    the bear, cat and tiger images to the left link to animal conservation sites! go click them!! the others are for symbols to copy and paste, html cheat sheet and cute gifs! check out the about me and blog as those two are up and running! you can message me on my profile wall thing if you want to be mutuals, or share your site button! i wil be making mine soon, and i'd be happy to put your link on my site!