this site is a..
this site is definitely more for me than anyone else, for the reasons listed above. its a lot more NICE to have your own site with all your bizz on it. this is my sanctum to check all my reminders, write about things, and other miscellaneous novelties. i dont expect anyone to check out the reminders page because honestly that stuff is just for me, but itd be really funny if someone i knew IRL read it and updated me on everything i need to do... wink wink.
✧ new page!!! chat 02/5
✧ added key for thoughts 02/5
✧ added new thought, dream #1 02/4
➳ i love CATS!
➳ my favorite color is green (as you can see lol)
➳ my favorite type of weather is rain or epic clouds
➳ i have big dreams!!
➳ i love my friends and family!
music... those are the things i would tell someone that just met me, but heres some more in depth things about me. i LOVE music so much, i think its great. my top artists of all time have to be dean blunt and aphex twin. i chose those because those are pretty much the only artists i consistently like music from. i like a lot of different songs from a lot of different artists, but usually they fall into either synth, indie, videogame-music and alternative. of my biggest dreams is to be a psychologist! i know this is cliche but i really want to help people. i think jobs where you help people are the noblest. specifically, i want to be an airforce psychologist. i plan to go to college and get my psy.d and then go on to be an officer as a psychologist. i just need to work on my mile time and pushups... -_-